Technology that connects - conference
2024.11.21. - csütörtök
09:00 - Opening of the conference
09:15 - The impact of digital citizenship on society
Prime Minister's Office
The impact of digital citizenship on society
09:50 - The Future of Artificial Intelligence: heaven and/or hell?
Gerd Leonhard
The Futures Agency
The Future of Artificial Intelligence: heaven and/or hell?
AI has quickly become the next general purpose technology and the ‘new platform for everything’ while setting off the biggest investment boom in the past 20 years. While many players focus on making smarter tools and generally improving business and society (what Gerd calls IA / Intelligent Assistance), others – such as OpenAI – seek to create an Artificial GENERAL Intelligence (AGI) i.e. a digital entity that surpasses humans in all relevant economic tasks. In his presentation, Gerd will show why he believes that Intelligent Assistance and what he calls CAVA (cognification, augmentation, virtualisation and automation) is mostly a good thing*, but generally intelligent machines would represent an existential risk for humanity. In either case, it is now becoming obvious that great science and amazing technology alone is not enough: we also need standards, rules and regulations so that AI can be beneficial to society and business alike. Gerd will explain how AI could result in The Good Future, if we play our cards right, and how we can protect ourselves from the negative side-effects: it’s all about competence, not consciousness, and it’s about collaboration not about starting another arms race. Keep the humans in the loop! Tools and Telos!
10:35 - Fourth industrial or third IT revolution?
Gábor Bojár
Graphisoft Park
The power of information over thousands of years
The term “fourth industrial revolution” is widely used to describe the importance of the information revolution. We believe this term misunderstands and underestimates the role and importance of the technological revolution in our lives today. When we try to assess the impact of the IT revolution on our lives, our work and even the future of the human race as a whole, we should not compare it with the industrial revolutions, but with the two earlier ‘information revolutions’ that had a much more fundamental impact on the fate of humanity: the creation of speech (the exchange of information) and writing (the storage of information).
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 - Fleet Intelligence (FI) 2024
Tímea pesti
Ayvens Hungary
Fleet Intelligence (FI) 2024
11:45 - From fantasy to practicality: How AI enables us to grow faster?
Péter Szabó
Microsoft Hungary
From fantasy to practicality: How AI enables us to grow faster?
In his speech Peter Szabo will cut through the media hype to reveal how AI is genuinely transforming our lives and practically supports growth on an individual, company and economic level. We’ll explore Microsoft’s role in delivering real-world AI solutions that drive growth and tackle sustainability, and showing how the best companies use AI to achieve both business success, employee and customer satisfaction. Economic competitiveness became a buzz-word nowadays, however AI is one of the crucial enablers of the success of nations… interested how? You will learn from this presentation!
12:10 - Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry
Dr. Katalin Szalóki
Innovative Medicines Manufacturers Association
Innovation in the pharmaceutical industry
12:35 - Sovereign AI Creating Societal Values
Hong-Eng Koh
Global Chief Public Services Industry Scientist
Sovereign AI Creating Societal Values
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development
Ministry of Public Administration and Regional Development
14:35 - Sustainable digitalisation
György Huszics
Carbon.Crane, CarbonClass
Sustainable digitalisation
Everything has a carbon footprint, including digital solutions. Digitalisation may reduce emissions, but it does not eliminate them. And what about the devices that have emerged as new players in the digital space? The energy demands of AI – and its massive carbon footprint – the 200 million active websites on the internet, the 350 billion emails generated every day – all can and should be reduced. We get an overview of possible solutions from the co-founder of Carbon.Crane, winner of the Global Changemaker’s Awards.
15:00 - Balázs Németh
Balázs Németh
Innovation Manager
K&H Bank
15:25 - 15:50 Coffee break
15:50 - Maltese in the 21st century - Digital technology and society
Vecsei Miklós
Vice-President, Prime Minister's Commissioner
Hungarian Maltese Charity Service
Maltese in the 21st century - Digital technology and society
The Catching Up Settlements programme aims to accelerate catching up in the 300 designated settlements by tackling the backlog of disadvantage, using the supporting and rapidly evolving technology of the digital age. Localised health innovation, telemedicine, will enable higher levels of care and shorter recovery times for the people living there.